Are You Killing Your Metabolism?
You may unintentionally be sabotaging your metabolism. Everyone’s metabolism slows down as we grow older according to a study published by the Public Health Nutritional Journal. The study confirmed that getting older is “associated with progressive declines in resting and TEE (total energy expenditure).” Are your daily habits supporting your metabolism or contributing to the drain even further?
Let’s take a look at some bad habits and quick fixes to get you back on track.
Metabolism Killer #1
Skipping Breakfast
When you sleep your metabolism slows down. When you wake up and skip breakfast, eventually your body is going to send signals that it needs to conserve rather than burn calories according to this study. This is the same as driving with one foot on the gas and the other foot on the brake. You’ll still move forward, but not as efficiently, and worst of all your training your body to be in conservation mode.
The Fix
Have a protein like eggs and some colorful veggies like red bell peppers and tomatoes. You can make an omelet, or scramble. This breakfast will provide you with a well balanced source of protein, carbohydrates, fiber and and fat. You can even meal prep your breakfast and cook a couple servings at once and store in separate containers so that all you have to do is pop it in the microwave and you’ve got a healthy meal you can take on the go. A little bit of planning and effort up front goes a long way.
If cooking a breakfast still isn’t your style consider getting a blender and doing a breakfast protein shake. Blend your protein powder with a frozen banana, water, milk or milk alternative like almond milk, and half an avocado. This breakfast shake is quick, portable, and packed with protein, fat, and carbohydrates to get your engine running.
Metabolism Killer #2
Starting With Sugar
Do you eat breakfast, but your idea of breakfast is a donut and coffee? Maybe it’s a delicious warmed-up muffin? When you start your morning with food that’s high in added sugar you’re giving your metabolism a spike, which means you are inevitably heading to a crash later. Do you need another coffee or another sugary treat by mid-morning? Then you’re probably doing this metabolism killer.
The Fix
Ditch the sweet pastries and donuts. Save those for special occasions like your kids birthday or a dinner date with your spouse. Instead start your day with one of the breakfast ideas from above. Starting with food that has a lot of protein and fiber gives your body clean energy to get going, and the fiber helps your body feel more full.
Metabolism Killer #3
The Desk Jocky
This study, found that “sitting for long periods is thought to slow metabolism, which affects the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar, blood pressure and break down fat.” Most of us spend 40 hours or more at work, and that means sitting at a desk for the majority of that time. All of this sitting sends signals to your body that it doesn’t need to be prepared to move or do work, so the body gets trained to go into energy conservation mode.
The Fix
If you can afford it, and your company will allow it, get a standing or convertible desk. Move from sitting to standing throughout the day to reduce the amount of time sitting.
If you don’t have that option, the next best thing is to set a timer on your phone or computer for every 20-30 minutes as a reminder to stand-up. Maybe walk around? Walk to the water cooler. Visit friends on the other side of the office. If you’re able, get outside and do a quick five minute walk.
If you can’t go too far from your desk, stand-up and do a couple forward bends and touch your toes. Then reach up to the sky and do a small back bend. Raise your knees up several times. Do some calf raises. Twist and bend side-to-side before you sit back down.
Metabolism Killer #4
Skipping the Weights
You hit the gym regularly, but you only do cardio. You’re not into lifting weights.
Your cardio sessions are burning calories and helping you stay healthy, but you’re missing a big calorie burn from weight training. According to this study, “strength training is a key component of metabolism because it is directly linked to muscle mass. The more active muscle tissue you have, the higher your metabolic rate.”
The Fix
Add some strength-based training to your workout schedule. You’re in luck, I happen to know an excellent coachwho can help you balance your strength and cardio work to get the best bang for your metabolism.
Metabolism Killer #5
Skimping on the Protein
If you skimp on the protein, you are shortchanging your body of a vital macronutrient that it needs to build and maintain muscle. Since muscle mass is directly linked to metabolism, the less you have the less your body has to expend energy to maintain.
The Fix
Try to add a healthy protein option to at least three meals each day. To keep it simple, breakfast could be eggs. Lunch could be chicken breast, and dinner could be lean ground beef or pork chops. Protein provides the essential nutrient to building and maintaining muscle, gives your body signals of feeling full which helps in sustaining a healthy bodyweight.
Metabolism Killer #6
Burning Your Candle At Both Ends
Staying up late binging on the latest Netflix hit? Waking up early the next morning to get to work on time? If you’re getting less than 7 hours of sleep each night you could be significantly impacting your metabolism. This studyshows that consistent lack of adequate sleep is associated with decreased metabolism and hormonal imbalances.
The Fix
Set a regular bed time and start down shifting 30-20 minutes before your time to bed. Turn off the TV, put down your phone, and turn down the lights in your house. Start a new routine before bed that gets your body prepared to relax and fall asleep. With your down shifting routine, consider doing some light stretching or foam rolling of sore muscles. Maybe you would like journaling and doing daily gratitude’s for the good things in your life? Put on some relaxing music and sit quietly.
Metabolism Killer #7
What are you Drinking?
Up to 60% of the human body is water. To say that water is vital to your body is an understatement. Your body requires water to function normally. How many ounces of water are you drinking each day? Are you drinking more soda, beer, or coffee than actual water?
In this study, researchers found that drinking about 2 cups of water increased metabolic rate by 30%, and that spike in metabolic rate lasts for more than an hour. Drinking water throughout the day keeps you hydrated and allows your body to function normally, which also includes boosted metabolism.
The Fix
Set a goal to drink between 50-75% of your bodyweight in ounces each day. Get a water bottle and do the quick math to figure out how many times each day you’ll need to drink it to reach your goal. If you need accountability announce it to your friends and family, or social media that you’re going to set this new daily goal.
Metabolism Killer #8
Stop Stressing
When we have stress, the body produces a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol plays an important role in the body and it’s not all bad, but when it’s related to stresses of modern life cortisol can cause increased appetite, cravings for sugary foods, and decreased desire to exercise as well as reduced sleep quality. Each of these things is a metabolism killer.
The Fix
Managing stress is important to controlling the effects of cortisol on your metabolism. A few tools to manage stress are:
· Connect with a social group to have fun and do something you enjoy
· Go for a walk when you are feeling stressed
· Keep a journal and write down stressful feelings and how you plan to deal with them
· Get a pet, like a dog or cat
· Get a massage or physical therapy treatment
· Watch a funny movie
· Do something fun and exciting outside of your normal daily routine that will take your mind off what is stressing you
· Seek professional treatment and counseling
These are just a few examples of some ways you can reduce stress. Find the things that you like to do that make you feel good and pursue those interest.